Friday, August 21, 2009

Bill Cosby Is A Very Funny Fellow, Right?*

My print column on Dr. Cosby's misrepresentations and other things is up.

*just not a very accurate fellow.

P.S. Older Cosby fans will remember that was the name of his very first comedy album. It was a pip.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Spencer-
Is there any chance that the $4,000 Mr. Cosby was referring to was the State's portion of the $13,000 per student? The remarks were in defense of Rendell's state budget, so it's possible you've taken Mr. Cosby out of context.

As for cuts, if the spending level stays the same, and costs go up due to population growth, inflation, energy, etc., then some aspect of education must get cut. School programs, computers, new books, facilities maintenance, class size, etc.

Don't take it out on the kids and make them suffer because you don't want to chip in to pay for a quality education. Just because you've been able to make a living without a decent education, please don't burden the next generation with the "gift" of ignorance.

August 23, 2009 at 2:28 PM 

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