
Monday, February 22, 2010

Skankapodomi on Parade

I was on WIP this morning talking to Angelo Cataldi about the Tiger thing. It was his sidekick Rhea Hughes who e-mailed me yesterday and asked me to be on the show and talk about my Sunday column.

She said she got a kick out of my calling one of Tiger's porn-star mistresses a "skankapodomus." But it didn't come up on the show. I'm sorry it didn't because (with apologies to the E-Trade baby) I coined the term. I Googled it last night to make sure.

I first used the word "skankapodomus" last year in reference to Susan Finkelstein, the "buxom blonde" who adverstised herself on Craigslist as someone who would do anything for World Series tickets. She was arrested and charged with prostitution.

I made other non-flattering references to Ms. Finkelstein and her husband to the extent that her lawyer wrote me a nasty e-mail after and threatened me with legal action.

It wasn't until last night that I saw the story about what happened at her arraignment and how she'd e-mailed an undercover cop three topless photos of herself to prove how serious she was about getting those tickets. From the story:
She arrived at Manny Brown's at 7:30 that night and walked up to a man sitting at the bar. Officer Michael Brady was in plain clothes and wearing the Penn State jacket. She asked if his name was Bob. He said "yes."

Three more undercover officers, including Bugsch, sat at a table about 15 feet away, Brady said.

Brady testified that Finkelstein said she was married but in a very open relationship and that her husband knew she was a prostitute but didn't care.

Finkelstein continued, Brady said, telling him, "I'm a whore. I love sex. I just can't help it."

At one point, Brady testified, Finkelstein pulled up her denim skirt, allowing him to see that she was not wearing underwear.

Her lawyer's defense: It's not against the law to be "a slut."

On the hierarchy of lousy things to be I think "slut" is a notch below "skankapodomus." Mrs. Finkelstein might want to think about suing her lawyer for defamation. The least he should have done was call her an "alleged slut."


  1. Didn't this lawyer's "slut" client work at the University of Pennsylvania?

    I won't drift onto the other post and ask if she had tenure.

    But I will suggest that her employment in academia, with its politically-correct worship of the cult of diversity, might very well elevate your "skankapodomus" to a protected class.

    There has to be a Nobel Peace Prize awarded for this visionary, albeit unintentional defense of a persecuted, misunderstood minority. Maybe even reparations are due.

    No, better skip that, since that's how Ms Finkelstein got in trouble in the first place.

  2. Spence, I can remember you mooching beers at the Berwyn Tavern for hours in search of a woman with an attitude like this. How in the world can you cast aspersions?

  3. Spencerblog denies ever going in search of women willing to sell their bodies for profit or World Series tickets

    Spencerblog also denies "mooching" beers for minutes, let alone "hours."

    I submit that /mr's memory is faulty, possibly from smoking too much pot in the basement of the BT during the 1980s while he was supposed to be working.
