
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Take This Snow and Shovel It

Media Mayor Bob McMahon says borough workers have run out of places to put all the snow that fell last week, leaving many street clogged. Borough residents and businesses may have their own suggestions about where he can put it.


  1. "Don't worry, Mr Mayor, this won't hurt a bit."

    Amazing, I vote for this guy just so he can tell us of his general failings and lack of creativity or critical thinking. At the same time, we're still seeing slushy/icy intersections in town yet, West Street (or 'Daly' Street, if you catch my drift), was perfectly clear last weekend, almost as if it was never touched by snow. Seriously, you can stack two 18-wheelers side-by-side on that street! Lets not forget that its at the edge of town and is rarely used since the 3rd Street Bridge is non-existant.

    Here's my three suggestions for a Mayor who isn't smart enough to come up with them:

    1) Dump the snow inthe middle of West Street - its only Fair that the residents of the privleged Street experience the fun of slipping and sliding like the rest of us.

    2) Build up the snow banks at Glen Providence Park, make it a winter sports wonderland - a haven for those of us who crave using our boards and skis.

    3) Rent an asphalt laying machine from whoever the borough uses for road resurfacing - place it over your biggest storm drain in town, turn it on, dump snow into it's hopper. Machine will melt snow quicker than you can load it and the water will drain into the storm sewers if placed correctly. One day's rent won't kill any budget.

    Gil, when should I expect the Delco Times to endorse me for Mayor?

  2. First, would you support a borough ordinance banning cell phone use while driving a snow plow?

  3. The issue of where to put the snow is a secondary issue; first they had to clear the streets of snow and they failed miserably. Even if the snow were to be placed to just one side of each street, it would be better than what we have to deal with now. Many streets look like ice rinks and are nearly impassable because they simply were not plowed well.
    I suspect that part of the problem lies in lack of man power and necessary equipment and that reflects upon past administrations that failed to create a sufficient budget to hire employees and purchase equipment.
    Inexcusable benign neglect and who suffers? The residents and the business owners who put those short sighted souls into office. When the heck are people going to open their eyes?

  4. I will, specifically if it includes texting.

  5. Can't believe that someone else saw the person talking on the cell phone while operating a snow plow. I saw it too and thought it ridiculously irresponsible. As to Mayor Bob and his numb skull excuses, all he need do is drive over to Wayne or any of the other small town and see how it's done. No unplowed streets there. But in Media there are always excuses.
