
Friday, March 26, 2010

The Disuniting of America

Today's headlines from the Drudge Report:
Obama's Campaign Fundraises Off Threats...
Shot Fired At GOP Rep. Cantor's VA Office...
VIDEO: Clyburn says Republicans 'aiding and abetting terrorism' against Dems...
Rep. Markey asked for police patrols at home...
WHITE POWDER: NY Congressman's office evacuated after threat...
Dems Accuse Palin Of Stoking Liberal Hate...
President mocks Republicans for acting is if bill is 'Armageddon'...
Threats against lawmakers spread after vote...
Headline from Aug. 2007 Washington Post:
Obama Says He Can Unite U.S. 'More Effectively' Than Clinton


  1. Your point is that the ire of the radicalized rump of the Republican party, egged on by Glen Beck and Karl Rove, who are resorting to violence to press their absolutely incoherent point, should be considered as a serious consequence of the passing of this legislation? Spence, please. Their moronic protestations will cease as soon as Eagles training camp opens and they forget why they went to the CVS to buy the talcum powder to send to that Jewish Congressman from New York.

    Try harder.

  2. As opposed to the radicalized rump of the Democrat party that actually holds power over both houses of Congress and the White House.

    Talcum powder sent to a congressman, scary and illegal.

    Exploding federal deficits that must lead to far higher taxes on the middleclass, not scary, not illegal.

    As I recall, /mr, you're in the financial services industry. Share with your clients your gleaming faith in Obamanomics and watch them head for the door... with their portfolios.

    It will be back to the basement of the BT for you.

  3. Larry Kudlow told me we were going to zero if the plan passed, and the market is up three of the four days since. I suppose the trillion a year we are pissing away in the sands of east asia are money well spent, in your opinion.

  4. The market is up three out of the four days since Obamacare passed?

    This proves Obamacare is good for America? This is your idea of fiscal analysis?

    Try harder. Or it's back to the BT for you.
