
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gorging on Suicide

Recent teen suicides have everybody talking here and elsewhere. But we should all remember a spate does not an epidemic make.


  1. Obviously, any time a young person commits suicide it is a heartbreaking tragedy for the family and the community.

    Despite the invariable struggle to enjoy real communications with young people, the adults in these kids' lives must continue to try to get through.

    The information overload of today's world sends a lot of mixed messages, from overt sexuality to the liberal McCarthyism of political correctness.
    Drugs and alcohol are nominally approved, without the proper understanding of how devastating they can be to a developing brain.

    Worst of all, a loving two-parent household is not as culturally celebrated as it should be. Studies have shown that the daily influence of a mother and father does more to bring up healthy, well-adjusted kids than all the social engineering in the world.

  2. Regarding this latest suicide of the Interboro boy, there has been an outpouring of concern, anger, and despair for what to us seems like a senseless act. He was loved, responsible, and was a member of the school band. What went wrong? What are our young people thinking? There are numerous comments posted underneath the article including directives from the Prevention of Suicide organization. In these tumultuous times in order to facilitate the healing process, we need to find our community. We need to work on this problem with other community members. But, where - and who are they? I am a resident of Folsom and have no children in the school system but I have an idea to form a group consisting of elder community members, maybe grandmothers- who can meet and discuss ways to provide guidance and direction to kids. This should be a volunteer group willing to be accessible to our kids in this area. Parents and school administrators may be too close to the situation whereas grandparents are once removed and can be spoken to 'at a distance' and more objectively. Kids may listen to them more intently and therefore be more open to their words of wisdom. I offer to contact Health Communities Initiate and my home (in Folsom) to start such a group/dialog. And also to contact Superintendent Dr. Hacker to inform her of any progress made. If you are interested, please contact me at 484 497 6638. It is time and time is crucial.
