
Thursday, March 25, 2010

James Cameron: People Lover

The director of Avatar doesn't care for Glenn Beck or anyone who is skeptical of global warming or who doubts his contributions to world affairs.
Asked by THR if he felt the right wing's attacks against him were continuing, Cameron replied: "They're not attacks. They're just people ranting away, lost in their little bubbles of reality, steeped in their own hatred, their own fear and hatred. That's where it all comes from. Let's just call it out. Let's have a public discussion. That's what movies are supposed to do, you know, you can have a mindless entertainment film that doesn't affect anybody. I wasn't interested in that."
The fabulously wealthy director of the intellectually stimulating film "Titanic," said that from his mansion in the hills above Hollywood.

He was "equally unsparing in his comments about those who don't accept global warming as fact."
"That's right," Cameron said. "I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads."

Turning more serious, he added: "Anybody that is a global warming denier at this point in time has got their head so deeply up their ass I'm not sure they could hear me."
Turning more "serious"? Is the writer mocking Mr. Cameron or is he "serious" himself?
By making the environment the theme of his home video release plan, Cameron is sending a message.

"Look, at this point I'm less interested in making money for the movie and more interested in saving the world that my children are going to inhabit. How about that? I mean, look, I didn't make this movie with these strong environmental anti-war themes in it to make friends on the right, you know.
Got it. The hundreds of millions of dollars he has now from making mindless action films are enough to sustain him. Now it's time for "The King of the World," to save it. You know, for the kids.

As for the people who are more interested in fixing the unsustainable and out-of-control entitlement programs that will bankrupt this country and impoverish OTHER people's children...
"They're not on my Christmas card list... "It's not going to change my lifestyle at all if they don't talk to me.
Of course it won't. He's fabulously wealthy and lives in mansion. His lifestyle is well assured.
But, you know, they've got to live in this world, too. And their children do as well, so they're going to have to be answerable to this at some point."
And if James Cameron has anything to say about it, they will be answerable to the U.S. Government. Or, even better, some sort of World Government. Where people like him, people who know better how to run the world needs to be run will have the absolute power to do so.

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