
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Welcome to Right-to-Know Town

In Newtown Square what's sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. My print column is up.


  1. Gil, Great journalisim, keep digging I'm sure there is more behind the NT doors.

  2. Spencer,

    Please verify your facts befor you writing your article. There was never a police cruisers at Linda Houlden's house on Friday as you stated.

  3. Thank you for finally exposing Houldin and her political chronies for how they operate at the expense of the good citizens, my x-neighbors, and the soon to awaken residents of Newtown. I applaude you and BPG for having the guts to pursue her and her corrupt financial supporters

  4. Mr. Spencer,
    Newtown Township has an ordinance allowing home based businesses.
    Please take the time to do a little research before you write your articles. Thank you.

  5. Dear Interest:

    According to the Newtown Township code:

    "R" district (residential) does not permit office use except by "Special Exception."

    Excerpted below:

    "You're allowed to have a professional office in a residential district by special exception. Zoning ordinance defines a professional office as
    "A vocation including lawyers, doctors, dentists, architects and similar callings which the Zoning Hearing Board deems to be of the same general
    nature as the above. [Amended 9-8-1980 by Ord. No. 1980-16]". Whereas a service office, which is only permitted in the A-O Apartment/Office
    District or the O - Office Zoning District, is defined as

    "A building containing sales or business offices or the offices of a bank, doctor, dentist, physician, mortician, surgeon, optician, attorney, real estate broker, insurance broker, accountant, tax
    consultant, Justice of the Peace, teacher, architect, engineer, draftsman, artist and no other."

    Also "Summit" claims "there was never a police cruisers (sic) at Linda Houlden's house on Friday..."

    Spenceblog stands by SpencerColumn's reporting.

  6. But I will check into the home-based business ordinance further. Thanks.
