
Monday, April 12, 2010

Burge Better Watch His Step

Dave Burge looks into a new crisis facing America, Journalists Gone Wildly Violent.

The Media Violence Project is up and running.
Every day at the MVP we receive emails from concerned citizens, such as this:

Dear Mr. Burge:

I have read with increasing alarm new reports of violence erupting around our country. For example, the recent rampaging campus murderer in Huntsville, Alabama; the Austin, Texas man who flew his plane into an office building; and the unhinged shooter at the Pentagon. Do you suspect these people may have been journalists? Also, what can I do to prevent my family from falling victim to these violent journalists?

Please do not print my name, as I live near a journalist and am concerned about my safety.

Name Withheld By Request
As a professional journalist I resent this sort of knee-jerk and hate-filled stereotyping. If we find out who this cowardly anonymous letter writer is - and believe me, we have our ways - he's going to regret it. And so will Mr. Burge.

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