
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Goldilocks Tax Code

New poll on taxes. About 45 percent of taxpayers say the amount of taxes they pay are "about right." Of course when you figure in that a full 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax, that makes sense.

Pollster: How much do you pay in income taxes?
Polled: Nothing.
Pollster: Does that seem about right?
Polled: Yep.


  1. Yes. Because when you ask someone that question, they immediately ignore the sales, excise and payroll taxes that they pay. (3/4 of filers pay more in payroll taxes than income taxes). And the reason that they do not pay income taxes is in large part because of the EITC, passed with broad bipartisan support by Saint Ronnie himself.

    But keep trotting out your ridiculous talking points to keep the paste eaters happy, Spence.

  2. They pay payroll taxes, but not income tazes? What's the difference. Don't you realize that many people get all that back, and more, when you complete your tax return and all the deductions and credits are factored in? I did a relative's taxes recently. He ended up getting a refund that was more than double the amount of taxes that had been withheld from his pay. How is that right? I understand lower income people pay less, even nothing, but to make a profit on it??? That's crazy.

  3. Payroll taxes include Social Security and Medicare that are paid from the first dollar earned. Glad you aren't doing my taxes.
