
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Gridlock? Did he say "Gridlock?"

Arlen Specter makes a very strange claim in this clip that the current "public "disgust" with Washington can be blamed on "gridlock."

Imagine that! This Congress PASSES the most sweeping legislation on healthcare in the last 50 years, a new law that
is more unpopular than it is popular, and Specter calls that gridlock. It's literally the exact opposite of gridlock.

Congress is unpopular because of the way it goes about it's business with its leaders bribing, cajoling, and arm-twisting its members to vote for something the majority of Americans DON'T want. But I guess Arlen couldn't say that. After all, he voted for this monstrosity.

Whatever's the matter with Washington it isn't gridlock. And if Arlen Specter really thinks it is, he's got a screw loose.

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