
Friday, April 2, 2010

Herkey Herdelin's Juke Box

Aston's Mike Dougherty runs the numbers on Bob Herdelin's $72,000-a-year juke box receipts.
$72,000 divided by 365 days in a year = $197.26 a day

Assuming the average song costs 50 cents, you would have to play 394 songs a day to generate 197.26

Assuming the average song is four minutes long the jukebox would have to play continuously for 26 hours to play 394 songs.

Doesn't add up, and longer songs can really kill the math. Stairway to Heaven would result in significantly less profits, but something tells me it's not in heavy rotation over there.

Of course, the $72,000 figure was Chitwood quoting Herdelin. But I think it is fair to say that Big Bob is prone to exaggeration. It's one of the things that makes him so lovable.

Cheers, Mike.

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