
Thursday, April 29, 2010

An Inconvenient Truther

[Posted by Jake]

Today, President Obama announced his regime would pursue global warming legislation as their next priority, rather than immigration reform. Obama said there wasn't much stomach for the challenge of immigration issues in Washington, despite the groundswell of activity and public opinion across the nation.

Yes, it is far better politics to appease your liberal base with a contrived climate crisis than provide leadership on a problem your citizens actually care about.

In a related development, former Vice President and chief shaman of the global warming cult, Al Gore, just purchased a new home. No doubt the carbon footprint of this mansion was a critical sales point. Located in Montecito, California, the ocean-view villa boasts six fireplaces, five bedrooms, nine bathrooms, swimming pool, spa and fountains, and set Gore and the lovely Tipper back a cool $8.8 million.

Do you think there is a little money in this global warming scam and the carbon credits they're peddling? Apparently so, and it appears that Gore is pretty confident that Obama is going to keep the "green" rolling in.

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