
Friday, April 16, 2010

Phony Liberals and Their Pretending to Care about Black Kids

Peter Beinart joins the rest of the MSM in bashing the tea partiers.

He writes:
A new New York Times poll shows Tea Partiers are grumpy, older, well-off Americans who think white people are oppressed—in other words, Republicans.
Actually the poll showed, that tea partiers were better educated than the average American, not particularly anti-tax but very concerned about federal spending, huge deficits, and growing federal power.

Beinart claims the movement is faux "populist" because "populists stand up for the little guy."

Moreover, according to Beinart:
The Tea Partiers aren’t too fond of racial underdogs either. They’re more likely than other Americans to believe that the Obama administration favors blacks over whites, and that black people’s hardships have been exaggerated.
This is a not-so-nice way of suggesting that Tea Partiers are racist. This has become a standard meme of the liberals like Beinert.

But speaking of racial underdogs, what about those 1,300 (down from 1,700) almost exclusively black (and poor) kids in Washington D.C. who benefit from a federally-funded school choice program that Obama and his fellow Democrats are willing to kill because it offends their big contributors at the National Education Association.

Is that Beinert's idea of standing up for the little guy and/or racial underdogs? Forcing poor black kids back into failed and failing public schools in the nation's capitol?

I don't see Tea Partiers protesting federal spending on that little program. What I see are Teachers Unions exercising their political might to shut it down.

And it makes me want to puke.

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