
Monday, April 12, 2010

Tiger Schmiger

Phil wins one for Amy and the ages.

UPDATE: As usual Tiger was graceless in defeat. He cursed his way around Augusta National, threw clubs and dropped them. Moped, frowned and hung his head. When he was interviewed by Peter Kostis at the end of his roller coaster final round, he sounded like he actually believed the tournament was all about him. He could almost be forgiven for thinking so given all the coverage he was accorded for his eagerly-awaited comeback. But he sure didn't sound like a man chastened or humbled. Or someone who had "learned" anything.

In answer to his father's question from the Nike ad, "Have you learned anything?" The answer is no.

He is obviously still a great golfer. But he revealed himself - again - for what he really is; a surly, ego-driven adolescent. There are too many good guys on tour to root for - Phil, Ernie, Lee, etc. - to waste your cheers on that mope.

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