
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Accountability Journalism

My buddy Bill Bender at asks us to forget about Sestak-Specter for a moment a pay a little attention to the 6th Congressional District where former Inky editorial writer Doug Pike is taking on war veteran and surgeon Manan Trevidi in the Democratic primary.
Today, Democratic voters will choose between the wealthy writer and the hard-charging doctor. They have virtually identical positions on the key issues, and the contest is likely to be the most competitive in the region's congressional districts.

"My background lends itself to contrasting against Jim Gerlach at a time when the pocketbook issues are foremost," says Pike, who tapped his war chest last week to air a 30-second TV spot focusing on job creation. "I've been writing about that stuff for years and holding people accountable as an editorial writer."
I don't know how Doug Pike got "wealthy" but good for him. As for him "holding people accountable as an editorial writer..." well, as a not-so-wealthy, part-time editorial writer myself all I can think to say is "Go Doug, Go!" Summed up this way... "Brandy! Throw more Brandy!"

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