
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Diversity For Thee, But Not For Me

[Posted by Jake]

With the retirement of Justice Stevens, the last Protestant on the United States Supreme Court will be gone. At no previous time in our nation's history has the Court failed to have representation from the citizenry's largest religious group, which seems a rather perverse interpretation of the Left's diversity mantra.

If Elena Kagan is successful in gaining the Senate's confirmation, then the High Court will consist solely of Jewish and Catholic Justices. It's probably politically incorrect to notice, however this glaring omission in the face of the diversity sales job by Obama for his nominee, appears rather hypocritical.

There will be three women on the Supreme Court, which is appropriate and long overdue. The latest intelligence suggests that since the Obama presidency is looking more and more like a one-term aberration, the legacy building has started already. Obama is going to be highlighting his commitment to women, diversity, blah, blah, blah as his lasting contribution to the nation, trying to divert attention from the trillions wasted in socialist misadventures. That's all well and good, but couldn't he have still played the diversity card by selecting a Protestant woman?

Unfortunately, the diversity double standard continues with nominee Kagan, even beyond religion and gender. If she is approved, the Supreme Court will overflow with East Coast, Harvard and Yale, government and academia backgrounds. Those limited life experiences belie a world view at odds with Obama's strategic narrative of empathy with the common man. Cases like Western water rights, a pending matter on the Supreme Court docket, will be decided by a thoroughly disconnected group of arbiters.

The only area where Kagan appears to be uniquely diverse is the prevailing Beltway assumption, reported and then retracted by CBS News under heavy pressure from the White House, that the nominee is a lesbian. Why wouldn't Obama expand his legacy building to include the gay community? The Administration's fierce counterattack against any mention of Kagan's apparent homosexuality makes a mockery of their self-righteous diversity efforts. This duplicity demonstrates a disturbing lack of integrity by the President.

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