Monday, May 3, 2010

Immigration Policy - All In

"Posted by Undercover Corporate Titan"
Ed Shultz of "The Ed Show" says Republicans are really against any change in the immigration "policy" because the corporations which support the party depend upon the illegal aliens for cheap labor.  I do not suppose he really thinks this.

The reason you should expect Democrats such as Ed to bloviate on this subject is that it is a tough one for Dems.  On one hand, no sentient being actually believes that the U.S. can allow for millions of undocumented persons to flood across the border with no legal ramifications.  On the other hand, the votes of burgeoning Hispanic ranks are not to be trifled with.  The Dems still need a few suburbanites to elect their candidates and until such time as that is no longer necessary, expect the Dems to wait for Republicans to get out in front of this speeding freight train of an issue.

Arizona's new law dovetails with the requirements of existing Federal law.  If the U.S. will not enforce the law, Arizona is willing to give it a try.  The price of poker just went up.


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