
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kellogg's Race Boondoggle: It's GrrrrrrrEAT!

Cereal king Kellogg's has a bunch of Race Flakes running its foundation. Prof. Stephen Thernstrom reports on the foundation's $75 million racial "Healing Initiative"
The foundation calls this "the most significant effort in our nation's history to bring racial healing to communities and dismantle structural racism in America." In fact, it's the largest single boondoggle ever created for the racial-grievance industry.
What will these sort of nitwits think of next.

1 comment:

  1. It's their money. They should be free to waste it any way they seem fit.
    In another 500 years, all the races will be connected. Time will be the only healer.
    Why do we call Tiger Woods black? Half.
    Why do we call President Obama black? Half.

    Why do we even mention it?
