
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Win Some, Lose Some

Posted by parallel

Two days ago, the Haverford Board of Commissioners voted that the RHM Sewer Authority could not pursue the gigantic sewage tank they were proposing to site in Glendale Park. At least not anywhere in Haverford. It’s not the end of the story though as something has to be done to fix the leaks of sewage into Darby Creek. Let us hope that this time we will get real facts and a comprehensive solution to the problem for the whole system.

I really hate being told lies. Dr Paul Joseph Goebbels’ style of propaganda is still with us. Iran will have a nuke within a year! In the spring of 2006 Bloomberg News apparently reported that Iran was only sixteen days away. In 2007 that had risen to three months. AP keep repeating how Iran has broken the conditions of the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) but never spells out how, as Iran hasn’t. IAEA reported it had "not detected the use of nuclear material in connection with the alleged [weapon] studies, nor does it have credible information in this regard."

Don’t confuse the issue with the facts. Instead of helping Iran develop nuclear power, as promised by the NPT, America pushed through a Security Council resolution forbidding them to even do it themselves, as Iran is fully entitled to do. Apparently it only doesn’t matter making several hundred nuclear weapons if your lobby is powerful enough, like Israel’s. Consider an Israeli major, Lani Kass, is now senior Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. Philip Giraldi reports she thinks war with Iran is desirable. There’s a surprise.

According to the main media, Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad had all kinds of links to Pakistani Taliban. In a lesson on winning friends and influencing people, our chief diplomat Hillary Clinton stated there would be ‘very severe consequences’ if an attack on the US were traced back to that country.
The emerging story is that the Pakistani police have not been able to find any links to the Taliban. The Taliban are known to be good at blowing things up, so it is unlikely his idiotic bomb was the product of their training. More likely Shahzad was distressed by America bombing Pakistan and he did something stupid.

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