
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Kagan's Abortion Distortion

Did Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan rewrite a scientitific/medical analysis concerning partial birth abortion when she was a Clinton White House policy advisor?

Attorney Shannen Coffin reports:
When President Obama promised in his inaugural address to “restore science to its rightful place,” he never explained what that rightful place would be. Documents recently released in connection with the Supreme Court nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan suggest an answer: wherever it can best be used to skew political debate and judicial outcomes.

The documents involved date from the Clinton White House. They show Miss Kagan’s willingness to manipulate medical science to fit the Democratic party’s political agenda on the hot-button issue of abortion. As such, they reflect poorly on both the author and the president who nominated her to the Supreme Court.
Read the whole thing.

It will be interesting to see is any senator asks her about this today as her hearing continues.

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