
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Bumbling Budgetors

A quick look at the proposed state budget reveals a 4.5 percent increase in education spending (read teachers' salaries and benefits) a $1 billion more for mandated spending to take care of the poor, state employees' pensions, and incarcerated citizens.

SPENDING CUTS include Agriculture Department, 11.7 percent; Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 11 percent: Department of Labor and Industry, 10 percent; Environmental Protection Department, 9.2 percent; Libraries, 9.1 percent; Governor's Office, 7.5 percent; State Parks, 7.3 percent; State Health Care Centers, 6.9 percent.

Me, I'd rather see public libraries stay open than teachers in failing public schools get raises. But then, people aren't required by law to go to libraries. Maybe that's why they are generally such peaceful and nice places. Places where motivated and curious kids and adults can actually learn things.

The rest of those departments and agencies could probably stand cuts closer to 20 percent, (though maybe not the health clinics.)

Unmentioned is that whole tentative budget agreement depends on the state getting $850 million from the federal government to tide us over for another year.

Oy vey!

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