
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sestak Job Update Central

Here's my print column on JobSchmobgate.

Here's today's excellent editorial on the matter.

And here's Jennifer Rubin's take. It begins:
As he often does, Obama tried to distance himself from his own administration’s mess. He ducked a personal response and had his lawyer issue a memo on the Joe Sestak job-offer scandal on the Friday before Memorial Day. He thereby succeeded in revealing that Sestak is a fabulist, his own White House is little more than a Blago-like operation, an ex-president has been reduced to the the role of a “cut out,” and the whole lot of them practice the same sleazy-politics-as usual that Obama ran against (which, ironically, was symbolized in the primary by Hillary Clinton).
UPDATE: The Washington Examiner editorial board isn't laughing at the Sestak joke.

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