
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Taaqi Turns Himself In

Accused murderer Taaqi Brown is back in jail. Good! But it raises a couple of questions.

Why bother to take your brother's release if you're just going to turn yourself in a few hours later? I suppose if you're sitting in prison on a murder rap even a few hours out of stir is something you snag when you get the chance. In other words, you don't look a gift release in the mouth. Plus it is quite possible that Taaqi didn't look very far ahead when he saw the chance to take a walk. Young men who allegedly fire guns into crowds generally have a problem looking very far into the future.

Nice job, though, by Taaqi's dad to convince his son to turn himself in.

Prison Super John Reilly and the county needs to come up with a better system for making sure the right people are being released. They move a lot of bodies in and out of that jail. Mistakes will be made. In fact, they've been made throughout history.

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