
Monday, July 5, 2010

Dirty Laundry

[Posted by Jake]

By now, I'm sure everyone has read about the sordid accusations made by hotel masseuse, Molly Haggerty, against global warming icon, Al Gore. While it's appropriate to view any allegation of criminal behavior against a public figure with healthy skepticism, the arrogant condescension exhibited by Gore in the published reports rings true with his inventor of the Internet/savior of the planet egotism.

What's new is the delicious irony that Gore's victim took a page from Monica Lewinsky's playbook and held onto her soiled laundry from the incident. The denials were coming fast and furious before that little detail was revealed. Now, the silence is practically deafening as the global warming crowd faces up to the reality of DNA, which is truly settled science.

Can't you just see Bill Clinton and Al Gore huddled together plotting strategy? The pained expressions as they both realize their inflated sense of self-importance could be done in so easily by merely skipping a trip to the dry cleaners. At least Al was dumped by Tipper. Poor Bubba's punishment is having to play the role of dutiful husband in his charade of a marriage, at least until Hillary wakes up to the fact that America will never elect her to national office.

These clueless and corrupted philanderers were, and probably still are, men with considerable power and influence to direct our nation's future. As liberal Democrats, they are committed to taking greater control of our lives and finances, yet they cannot be faithful to their own fundamental obligations as husbands and fathers. Who wouldn't be looking for the nearest washroom and a good bar of soap after shaking hands with either of them?

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