
Monday, July 5, 2010

Don't Like Your Delco Tax Burden: Move! Seriously!

Kathleen Carey's and Paul Luce's piece on our ever-increasing property taxes brought a number of interesting responses.

Delco Joe concludes:
As I have posted on a number of occasions, I believe that when some one posts a complaint, or a rebuttal to something on here, they should end with a proposed solution to the problem.

How about this.... One, force our legislators to pass a binding arbitration bill that would prohibit strikes, and equalize the negotiations.

Second, it is time to look into a County School System. It will reduce a lot of the redundant services being provided, create a County pay system, and hopefully equalize taxes across the County.

Finally, it is time to take the burden off of the homeowners as much as possible. With a County District, in addition to the binding arbitration, increase the sales tax 1%, or make some not taxable items taxable, and dedicate that money to the schools.

It is time to stop complaining, and start doing something. "

His first suggestion sounds politically plausible, his second doesn't.

PAnowAZlady has a more feasible, if cynical, individual solution:
Quit your complaining and MOVE (like I did). I own a beautiful 3-bedroom, 2 (full-sized) bathroom house with: family room, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen with a 4 ft. island, and a 2 car garage, and my property taxes are a cool $1,200 annually!! I have lived in AZ for 13 years nor (my house is only 15 years old), and my taxes are only $976 annually back then.
Winter temp between Nov-March is 60-75 degrees. Summer temps are a bit hotter (but bearable, since we have hardly any humidity), and you can actually get a gallon of milk for $1.48!!
Like I said: STOP your complaining and move !!!
I love Delco, but it's too damn expensive, and I work too damn hard to spend all my moolah on prop. taxes!
The more people who leave Delco and Pennsylvania, the greater the crisis and the greater the pressure will grow for real political and structural change. The freedom to leave one state for another is one of the things that make the United States of America great.

For those of you wondering why YOU should have to pick up and leave because of the actions (and inaction) of others in power, think back to your ancestors who fled war-torn Europe or oppressive regimes in Asia or wherever to come to this country. Moving across state lines is a lot easier than crossing an ocean.

My friend Glen Featherman just sold his dental practice in Morton and moved to Arizona. He bought a house for one third the price of the one he sold in Glen Mills and went into semi-retirement at the age of 49. I will miss him but I don't blame him a bit.

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