
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Heckle Me This

Whoever was worried about Tiger getting heckled at this event for his selfish and reckless behavior off the course, needn't have been. During the week, every good shot he hit was cheered. Every missed putt was moaned over. His fans remain as interested as ever in seeing him play well.

Golf crowds generally demand decorum and are self-policing. Any heckler would have been shushed and/or booed.

One female Aronimink member had the chance to let Tiger know what she thinks of him (and it isn't much) when he hit an errant drive just a few feet away from her.

She was standing there with her husband when Tiger arrived at his ball. Having listening to his wife for months go on about what a dog Tiger is, the husband elbowed her as if to say "Now's your chance."

The woman, however, demurred.

But she was pleased that the Greatest Golfer in the World got a terrible lie in the rough and ended up giving his own golf bag a good swift kick in frustration.

Meanwhile, off the premises, a young woman at the corner of Route 252 and Goshen road could be seen holding up a sign for the tournament bound:
But when you think about it, that statement could be accurately applied to at least half the players on tour. It's just Tiger has a lot more majors than most.

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