
Monday, July 19, 2010

Who's the Best Mudder?

So polite and convivial during their primary debates, Joe Sestak and Pat Toomey are now duking it out in the mud pit of politics.

Toomey accuses Sestak of trying to run away from his record of voting with Nancy Pelosi... (he is, by the way). While Sestak accuses Toomey, the former president of the Club for Growth, of being a tool of Wall Street, though he opposed the bail-outs of big financial firms and Sestak supported them.
“Pennsylvanians everywhere are still reeling from the effects of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, yet Toomey and his Club for Greed continue to push for the same disastrous policies that favor the elite and led us into recession in the first place.”
Heh, Club for Greed. That's a good one. I haven't laughed so hard since Joe described himself on TV as "fiscally conservative."

Nice to have a real choice between two candidates.

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