
Monday, August 23, 2010

E-Mail of the Week...

From: Keith Layman
Subject: Mosque Column


I applaud you on your most recent column "Know your Ground Zero
mosque" (Aug. 22). Your insights have certainly pierced the (sic) at the
heart of this issue and raised your readers' understanding of this
story from the merely idiotic to sheer imbecilic. While some writers
use their positions to raise the level of community discussion, you
have pandered to the lowest rungs of your readership (and we're
talking the Delco Times here, a rag for which literacy is just barely
a prerequisite skill).

You may be thinking to yourself, "Wow! look at all the comments and
emails my column generated - I must be a genius!" However, I would
suggest that should the Delco Times publish a picture of a hemorrhoidal
ass in place of your column, it would illicit (sic) a similar
volume. You must be proud.


Keith Layman

To: Keith Layman
From: gspencer
subject: Reply


A quick Google search reveals you to be some sort of public school teacher.
Well, I always enjoy hearing from my betters. Your note, though, would be far
more impressive if you knew the difference between "illicit" and "elicit." You know,
especially after trashing the "literacy" of our readers.

At least you spelled "hemorrhoidal" correctly. That's something you can be proud of.

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