
Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Mile in Afghan Shoes

The incomparable P.J. O'Rouke went to Afghanistan recently and came back an "expert." His Weekly Standard piece is full of wit, wisdom and discernment, including this gem:
What if some friendly, well-meaning, but very foreign power, with incomprehensible lingo and outrageous clothes, were to arrive on our shores to set things right? What if it were Highland Scots? There they go marching around wearing skirts and purses and ugly plaids, playing their hideous bagpipe music, handing out haggis to our kiddies and offending our sensibilities with a lack of BVDs under their kilts. Maybe they do cut taxes, lower the federal deficit, eliminate the Department of Health and Human Services, and the EPA, give people jobs at their tartan factories and launch a manhunt for Harry Reid and the UC Berkeley faculty. We still wouldn’t like them.
Here. Here. Beware the colonialist Scot. Any attempt to build an Scottish Community Center near Ground Zero should be met with alarmed contempt.

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