
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nancy-Boy Lentz On The Loose

[Posted By Jake]

Speaker Pelosi has declared that she has "drained the swamp". No doubt the power of that delusion is why Delaware County Democrat Brian Lentz was so thrilled several weeks ago to have Botox Nancy and Joe "big fu**ing deal" Biden sponsor a fundraiser for his equally delusional run for Congress.

How Lentz can think that America needs more government, more spending and more partisan Nancy-Boys in Washington is beyond comprehension. In the very week that the Speaker misleads the voters about her success in cleaning up government (never mind the Rangel, Waters ethics violations and pending trials), Lentz enlists his personal campaign operatives to circulate petitions of a third-party nutcase. Apparently, any ideas Lentz has about good government don't extend to electoral honesty.

But are we really surprised? Lentz tried unsuccessfully to smear his Republican opponent, former United States Attorney Pat Meehan, over election petitions. Before that, Lentz torpedoed the primary candidacy of a DEMOCRAT for State Representative, who was then forced to mount a write-in campaign to get on the ballot. Since this was a black woman, any Republican would likely have been labeled a racist. For Lentz, we'll just stick to congenitally clueless.

Recent polling by Rasmussen shows a huge gap in perception between the politicians and the people. 67% of the political class thinks that the United States is headed in the right direction, while 84% of mainstream Americans disagree. Obviously, Lentz's dirty tricks and Pelosi's ongoing deceit are on the wrong side of those compelling numbers.

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