
Friday, August 6, 2010

The Vain In Spain Have No Shame

[Posted By Jake]

This has been a wonderful summer for American royalty. First, the million dollar vegan, gluten-free wedding of Chelsea Clinton to Marc Mezvinsky, crown prince of a notorious Democrat political clan. And now the Michelle Antoinette vacation to Costa del Sol in Spain, another fabulous million dollar extravaganza to entertain the masses as they tighten their belts to stave off foreclosure.

Kind of makes the legendary liberal kerfluffle over Nancy Reagan's china look pretty silly, especially since all purchase costs came from donations to the White House Foundation, not the taxpayer's dime, like Michelle's excellent adventure.

Let's run the numbers. Apparently, the First Lady's room at the five star Hotel Villa Padierna, rated one of the top hotels in the world, is $6000 a night. The rest of her party requires 60 of the hotel's 129 rooms, averaging $1000 a night. There's the plane, an Air Force version of a 757, which will run about $200,000 for the trip. There is also the Secret Service detail which could number 70 agents, probably with expenses and per diems, another $200,000. Meals have been quite lavish, with sea bass tartare, strawberry gazpacho,and of course lobster, so you're looking at another $100,000 easily. The day trips to Moorish castles, the 14-car caravan from the airport, the anticipated caravan to visit the Spanish King and Queen, the cost of closing off a public beach for Michelle and her entourage, and on and on. No matter how you figure it, this is a million dollar junket, and then some.

It's said that President of the United States is the hardest job in the world, and he is entitled to a nice vacation...right? Yes, except for the minor detail that the Commander-in-Chief who has been busy bungling us into economic catastrophe wasn't even invited on this Spanish boondoggle. No matter that it was (birther alert) allegedly her husband's well-publicized birthday, Michelle decided to travel alone, limiting herself to only the lords and ladies of court, while poor Barack had to find comfort in the arms of Oprah and his Chicago cronies.

But not to worry, our fearless leader is managing his Presidential stress quite well. Most days, he straggles into the Oval Office around 10AM. Previous holidays this summer include Los Angeles in June, Maine a couple of weeks ago, the Gulf Coast next weekend, and Martha's Vineyard later on this month. At this rate, Botox Nancy is going to have to convene another special session of our spendthrift Congress just to bailout the Obama lifestyle.

The important thing that all we little people have to remember is that there never is a recession for royalty. No bread? Let them eat cake.

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