
Monday, September 20, 2010

Joe Swings Away

The Sestak campaign is trying to make a big deal out of Pat Toomey doing some financial work for a Chinese billionaire in Hong Kong back in 1991.

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent posted this item about Toomey's old work. Sounds pretty innocuous to me. And as Sargent points out the Sestak campaign has been accusing Toomey of participating in some controversial currency swaps
but says there is "no evidence" of it.

The pattern here is that Sestak will be trying to paint Toomey as a tool of Wall Street and billionaires, while Toomey will be painting Sestak as a tool of Nancy Pelosi's and her extremely liberal, pro-big government and big spending agenda. And there is some evidence of that - Joe's record of voting with her 97 percent of the time.

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