
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sestak Into the Wind

Sestak no longer has the political wind at his back. My print column is up.

I have just seen Joe's new ad. Here it is.

Pretty good and could be very effective.

Joe is the highest ranking military man ever to "serve" in Congress. And like John Kennedy, John McCain, John Kerry and dozens of others before him, he is using his military career to great political effect.

It is interesting that according to every Gallup rating for the last several years, the military comes out on top of the public institutions in which people have most confidence in the country. But Congress rates last. So we have Sestak leaving the most trusted institution for the least trusted.

As a military guy, Sestak was more than competent, rising to the highest eschelons of the Navy. But as a politician, he is just another boilerplate congressman. He is hard-working and smart but a poor speaker and has a hard time cogently arguing for his positions.

This ad boils down to "Pat Toomey is bad. He worked on Wall Street. Vote for Me. I served in the Military." Not a single mention of Joe's three-year voting record as a Congressman.

Actually, that's pretty smart too.

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