
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Muslims Removed from Flight: How Convenient!

I recently started getting a lot of emails from CAIR (The Council on American Islamic Relations). CAIR is the muslim civil rights/victims group that pretends to be interested in combating Islamophobia but in reality fans those flames for its own ends.

This morning I discovered an e-mail with a link to a story about a family dressed in Muslim garb being removed from a flight to Memphis. To CAIR this is an example of how Muslims are mistreated in this country. But how coincidental. Just a week after Juan Williams was fired for expressing his concern whenever he sees people dressed in Muslim garb in airports, a "Muslim family" boards an airplane in Muslim garb and acts suspiciously enough to be removed from the flight.

If this wasn't a planned act to intentionally upset fellow passengers and force the airline's hand, I'll eat my hat. (Better yet, I'll eat the hat John Kerry brought back from Vietnam that was supposed to prove something but I can't remember what.)

CAIR was the first group to complain about what Juan Williams said and demand he be disciplined. Now it is pushing a story that purports to prove American intolerance against Muslims. It is far more likely that the "family" in question sought to provoke the very reaction it got by behaving suspiciously. It will be interesting to hear what the other passengers have to say about the incident over the next 24 hours.

Stay tuned.

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