
Friday, October 29, 2010

Sestak Campaign Catches Toomey Actually Praising Tea Partiers

The Sestak campaign just sent out this devasting quote from Pat Toomey concerning the Tea Party movement:
"In my experience, the Tea Party has been just an amazing organization - not an organization, that wouldn't be their way to describe it. It's just a movement, it's a group of folks who come from all walks of life, in my experience mostly middle class people who love this country. They're concerned about its future, they're very concerned about the debt that their kids are going to have to pay back and they decided to do something about it. They're justifiably skeptical about both parties and I understand that. But I think it's a very constructive movement, because what they can do is they can force politicians to get spending under control, to remember that opportunity really comes from the private sector, that politicians work for the public, not the other way around. These folks in my experience have been a very constructive force in this cycle."
Oh, well, maybe on second thought, it would have been smarter for Sestak not to have drawn attention to such a humble, grateful and common sense statement.

Better to stick with the Chinese gong and the whole Pat Toomey would make a better Senator from China thing. That Sestak's people didn't just complete the caricature and give Toomey a set of buck teeth and slanty eyes, just shows they want to keep their campaign on the high road.

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