
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Social Security and Democrats

Just came across this old story about how the former head of the SEIU Andy Stern and others think it is a great idea to allow the federal government to invest Social Security dollars on Wall Street.
Stern, taking a break from one of the few public meetings of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, said that Social Security "needs to be, like any pension fund, brought back into balance."

There were several ways to bring the fund into balance, he said, but one that he favors consists of "investing some percentage of government money in the stock market, as they do in Canada. Not individual taxpayer money, but government money."
Got that? Leftists and Democrats think it is a Terrible, Horrible, Irresponsible, Bird-brained idea to let individual American citizens invest their own Social Security dollars in the market. But the Federal Government? That's fine. No problem.

If the stock market is inherently too risky to allow individuals to invest their social security dollars in it, why should Americans be confident that some government bureaucrat should be allowed to do it with THEIR money?

Either the market is too risky or it isn't. The Democrats, as much as they would like to, can't have it both ways. This is just another example of how Democrats trust the federal government more than it trusts individuals with power and money.

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