
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Joe Sestak Was in the Navy?

So it's finally here: Election Day 2010. In like a lion at 37 degrees, but clear and getting warmer as the day goes on. At least the weather will be no excuse for local voters to sit this one out.

In their sprint to the finish, candidates in the big races attempted to hammer home their campaign themes.

For Joe Sestak it is that fact that he was once in the Navy.
“We started at 5:30 this morning, we’re going to go to midnight tonight, 17 events,” said Sestak, a former three-star admiral in the U.S. Navy. “I love it. It’s like being back on a Navy ship, you’re just talking with people.”
He did this throughout the entire campaign. Almost all his analogies had to do with the Navy, from our economy, which had been "torpedoed" by the Bush Administration to his idea that as a political leader you should spend most of your time in the "boiler room," not on the "bridge" on your ship.

This was all nonsense, (Ship captains don't and shouldn't spend most of their time in the boiler room). But it did serve to constantly remind voters that Joe was once a 3-star Admiral (before leaving the service as a 2-star Admiral to run for Congress.)

But again, does anyone believe that being in the Navy, commanding a fleet of carriers, is anything like pressing the flesh and yakking at voters during a political campaign?

Coming out the voting booth this morning, who would be surprised if Joe said: "What a great experience voting is. It was just like being back in the Navy, casting your ballot for who you thought your commanding officer should be."


Meanwhile, Bryan Lentz had Gov. Ed Rendell come to Swarthmore to make the case for him. Said the Guv:
“Bryan should be elected because he’s a great state legislator, because he mopped the floor with his opponent in the debates and because he’s smart and his opponent, let’s just say, isn’t as smart.”
How perfect is that? And doesn't it just sum up the smugness with which Democrats have governed these past two years?

Pat Meehan is a Republican dolt. Bryan Lentz used the poor man like a mop. But if Democrats are so smart why are they in such great trouble with the electorate this year? Oh yeah, it's because the voters are so stupid and frightened. That may play in Swarthmore, but it's a failing message throughout the rest of the country.

Elsewhere, Pat Meehan was talking to small business owners, who were explaining why they weren't hiring people. The short answer is because they have no idea what these employees are going to cost them in the coming years, thanks to Obamacare and seeing their taxes go up.
Congress spent billions of dollars in stimulus money to bail out big banks and financial institutions,” said Meehan, of Drexel Hill. “They provide targeted relief to certain hand-picked industries, which put the federal government in the position of picking winners and losers. But your average small-business owner simply has not seen the benefits.”
What a dope. Meehan just doesn't understand that picking winners and losers is the job of politicians and government bureaucrats. When are people finally going to understand this? After all, it certainly works in China where Pat "Club for Gleed" Toomey is running for office.

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