
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lentz Will Be Back

Bryan Lentz was one of the bigger losers yesterday. He lost by 10 points in a race that was supposed to have been close. How big a factor was Schnellergate? Hard to say. But it sure didn't help.

He had the disadvantage of running against one of the better-liked and more respected men Delaware County has to offer in Pat Meehan.

Joe Sestak got to run against Pat Toomey, a true blue conservative and free marketer, who hails from Allentown. On the whole Delco is about as moderate politically as you can get. Meehan's a moderate who ran a moderate campaign against a Democratic Washington establishment that has governed from the left, spending money hand over fist with little to show for it in the way of private sector jobs. Lentz was spitting into a GOP hurricane.

What he does now? Who knows but the job of Delaware County DA is coming open pretty soon. Lentz might want to throw his U.S. Ranger's beret into the ring. He'd be as formidable a candidate as the Democrats have put up for that office in the last two centuries. Winning the job could certainly pad his resume to run for higher office. He's been a prosecutor in Philly and voters like prosecutors, especially tough ones.

Lentz is young, smart and politically savvy (Schnellergate notwithstanding.) He's got the bug. He won't retreat back into private practive for long. He'll be back in politics in some form or another. Later, if not, sooner.

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