
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cynthia Tucker Hates America

I figure it's alright to say that since it's OK for her to call Republicans "unpatriotic" for failing to support Start II. (She says they're also "hyper partisan," "petty" and "petulant" but I think she just likes alliterating P-words.)

Leftists like Tucker used to bristle at having their own patriotism questioned for merely pointing out their beloved America's many flaws? Such name-calling was considered the last refuge of right-wing scoundrels. Now, among the left it's all the rage to accuse their opponents of being unpatriotic for disagreeing with them about whatever; tax rates, war, civil rights, whose better looking George Clooney or Brad Pitt, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, etc.

It's gotten to the point where such an accusation doesn't mean much any more. Cynthia Tucker would be better off accusing Republicans of having cooties. It's funnier.

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