
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

VSO Stands for Very Sketchy Operation

A new group that raises money for veterans has made its way to Delaware County. It uses down-on-their-luck vets and non-veterans to solicit money from people as the enter and exit stores. It calls itself the Veterans Support Organization or VSO.

The money collectors, most of them wearing camouflage fatigues, keep 30 percent of what they bring in. The rest... well... my print column is up.

UPDATE/CORRECTION: It has been brought to my attention that Salvation Army "bell-ringers" don't work "for free," as stated in my column. They are paid in the neighborhood of $8 an hour. Local veterans, however, do volunteer their time for free when soliciting contributions for veteran causes.

1 comment:

  1. The VSO is perfectly legal but so was Al Capone. Who put him behind bars? It was the IRS. In a TV interview in Florida posted on Youtube, VSO president Van Houten admits he pays his men 30% of the take: Let us put you in our program, he states. If they truly are employees, they must receive a W-2 and the VSO must pay FICA to the Feds and workers comp to the States. If they are not employees, the IRS considers them to be independent contractors in which case the VSO must give them and the Feds a 1099-MISC. The next time you see one of them, ask them to show you the above documents. Remember the IRS gives a 10% reward of the unreported tax liability. Use IRS Form 211 to collect it once you report these con artists. You could be looking at several thousands of dollars in reward money.
