
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Manning Up In Madison

[Posted By Jake]

Governor Walker and the Republican legislature of Wisconsin are demonstrating principled leadership and fortitude. In a nation wracked by recession and wearied by liberal excess, these taxpayers' champions are "manning up" against the wrath of a bloated Big Labor and their Democrat partners.

The outrageous sick-outs and inflated sense of entitlement exhibited by the teachers and public service unions will do more to promote fiscal sanity than any budget analysis or rehabilitative legislation. But Governor Walker promised the voters he would rein in public sector collective bargaining, and he's keeping his word...what a concept.

If you have any doubt that the inmates are running the asylum, get a load of the demands of the Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association last summer. While budget shortfalls were causing layoff notices to go out to 482 teachers, the union was arguing for a $786,000 Viagra benefit to their taxpayer-funded health plan.

When told that Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and other erectile dysfunction drugs were used primarily for recreational sex and not medical necessity, the union screamed discrimination. Even when the cost of this atypical benefit was identified as the equivalent of rehiring twelve first year teachers, the union chose to litigate for these pharmaceutical sex aids, rather than negotiate for the kids.

Wisconsin represents a long-awaited day of reckoning for a Liberal/Labor agenda that lost its way some time ago. Thank you Governor and all the good people who are "manning up" in Madison based on the courage of their convictions rather than the potency of their little blue pills.

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