
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Steve Molin: Accused Murderer & Poet

Jury selection is about to begin for the trial of Steve Molin.

One of the last things he sent me from the Worcester (pronounced "Wooster") County jail was an "Editorial" that he titled "Thought for a Life Time." It's written as if it's meant to be a poem.
Our parents will become our children
We will become our parents, Our children
are watching us take care of our parents
Our children will become Our parents and
We will become their children, We must
care and protect our elders, we must never
turn our back on them putting them in
a waiting station with strangers called
a nursing home, they are us and we are
them in 25 years if God is Willing
God only gives our parents 1 life, we must
not steal their Golden Years Away from them
Not to let the Grim Reaper of Death take
our parents away in a cold nursing
home with Strangers, Our Parents/Children
would rather be with us than anyone else.
in the world, we will aways feel
good inside, the care and love we gave our parents
God gives us one life to use or lose
Our parents happiness & Love will become our happiness &
Love. All through Time.
I think it is safe to say that Steve is losing it.

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