
Friday, April 8, 2011

Shut. It. Down.

Howie Carr says it's closing time for the federal government:
It’s amusing to watch the mainstream media try to blow this non-emergency into a national calamity.

Cancer research will apparently come to a screeching halt tomorrow, if you believe ABC News, which of course no one under the age of 80 does.

These bowtied bumkissers now trying to gin up a “crisis” are the same people who have been giving a good leaving-alone to every gas station in the country as prices approach $4 a gallon. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Is America really “bracing” for a shutdown? You gotta be kidding me.

The Democrats are praying this is 1995 all over again. Too bad for them, a few things have changed. Barack Obama is no Bill Clinton. And in 1995, there was no Internet, no Fox News and damn little talk radio. People still thought Dan Rather was on the level.

There’s an old saying, “No man’s life or liberty is safe while the Legislature is in session.”

Same thing applies to the federal bureaucracy. The Internal Revenue Service isn’t going to be open for business? What a tragedy.
He's got a point. I mean, here in Delco the Heinz Wildlife Preserve might be off limits for a while. Anyone losing any sleep over that?

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