
Monday, April 11, 2011

Toddler Over-served at Applebees

A Michigan family got a big scare when their toddler was accidentally served alcohol in a kids meal at Applebee's. After a few swigs from his sippy cup, the 15-month-old boy needed a ride to the hospital.
Well obviously, he couldn't drive himself in that condition.
Taylor Dill-Reese says her son started acting strangely after drinking what she thought was apple juice. So, she tasted it and discovered the cup contained an alcoholic margarita mix.

The incident allegedly happened at 4:30 p.m. Friday at the Applebee's on 14 Mile Rd. After being checked out by doctors, the family learned the boy's blood alcohol level was .10 -- over the legal limit for an adult driver.

 What's the legal limit for baby drivers in Detroit?

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