
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Partridge in the Pear Tree

Reporting in from Newtown Square, Joe Catania sez: "Crushing, crushing, crushing, crushing," in response to how Ed Partridge is doing against Linda Houldin.

UPDATE: Now what? "Now they stick it to us for six months," said Catania. They being, the lame duck Houldin, Wood and a supervisor to be named (by them) later. "We'll get through it,"

The feeling in the Gillin, Catania, Ross Lampert camp? Glee and "relief."

UPDATE: I just received these numbers: Partridge, 1,744; Houldin, 478. Yes, that is quite a drubbing.

1 comment:

  1. If she had any class at all, she would immediately make a motion to seat Ed Partridge to the Board at the next meeting.
