
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Dominque is out the frying pan in NYC, only to find himself in the fire at home.

See our editorial.
His reputation as sexual miscreant precedes this incident, making him susceptible to potential “honey pot” ploys and blackmail, something even his supporters have had to acknowledge.

What the future holds for him remains to be seen.

The good news is that ultimately America’s imperfect system of justice more or less worked.
UPDATE: Bret Stephens admits to being a bit disappointed that the case against DSK has cratered.
Not that I ever took any joy in the thought that a presumably vulnerable woman had apparently been raped by a man with a reputation for promiscuous and predatory appetites.

But I did enjoy the thought of this mandarin of the tax-exemptocracy being pulled from the comfort of his first-class Air France seat and dispatched to Riker's Island without regard to status or dignity. And I admired the humble immigrant who would risk so much for the sake of justice. And I smiled at the spectacle of France's Socialists finding their would-be savior exposed by American prosecutors when they had been hypocritically observing a code of silence about his habits. And I liked seeing the IMF red-faced for whitewashing DSK's previous escapades.
OK, me too. But I was skeptical enough to want to see a full-blown investigation into the background of his accuser. And I'm surprised it took NYC police and prosecutors so long to find out and admit she lacks any and all credibility to substantiate her claim.

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