
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Letter of the Week


I am a 2003 graduate of Widener University School of Law and had the pleasure of studying under Professor Connell during my time there. I have been following the mess that is currently Widener Law and trying to remain silent until all the facts were presented. Last month when the faculty board cleared Professor Connell, I believed this was over. Apparently it isn't.

In your column, you mention many documents, pleadings and statements as well as a press conference. If these are available on the web, would you mind sharing them so I can be sure to have as much information as possible. I am preparing a letter to President Harris, Dean Ammons and Widener Alumni asking for immediate action to remove Dean Ammons before my Alma Mater is destroyed.

Also, I noted you mentioned Professor Connell trying to keep his benefits intact for his institutionalized daughter. Sad to say, his daughter died earlier this year.

Professor Connell is an excellent law professor. To take his hypothetical teaching method and stretch it to the point of claiming it is racist or sexist is the same as calling all those who oppose President Obama racist. I guess it was OK for Professor Connell to use similar hypotheticals when Dean Ray was in charge because he is a white male. But when the Dean is a black woman, it is now racist and sexist? Any student who twists Professor Connell's methods to this extent does not have the common sense or tolerance to be attorneys. And Dean Ammons, to ignore the findings of two faculty boards and continue her unfounded quest to destroy an educator she should be proud to have on her staff shows she does not have the ability to lead the school.

Robert J. Castaldi, Sr., J.D.
As I wrote Castaldi, all the documentation can be found on the web just by googling "connell, ammons, widener" and following the links.


  1. It is kind of scary that an attorney can't find and use Google in 2011. I mean everything is, and has been, right there.
    I wish him success and hope he copied the editorial board of the DT!!

  2. Danny, I quickly jotted a note to Gil after reading his blog in case he could give me direct links. I had been following this peripherally as it looked like it would blow over and my schedule is rather full. Gil sent me some very useful information and I have read and watched much of what is out there now and will write to the University President, the Dean herself and the Alumni asking for the Dean's resignation or that charges to bring about her dismissal are brought immediatly.
    Judging from your list of blogs you follow, you do not have a very good impression of lawyers. Well neither do I. They are leaches who thrive on the misery of others and bog down everything with BS legalese. Therefore I became one to do what I can to change that and go back to when lawyers helped people. You jumped to a conclusion simply because I went to Law School. Well I served in the Marine Corps (enlisted - I worked for a living) and worked a variety of jobs before that. After having the legal system go off sideways on me a few times, I decided a change was in order. So, as a fellow veteran, I will refrain from calling you an imbecile for your sarcastic comment.
