
Monday, September 19, 2011

Fatal Snoopiness

Former Swarthmore resident Joe McGinnis gets bad reviews for his new book about Sarah Palin: Going Rogue Even the New York Times trashes it.

Writes Janet Maslin:
“The Rogue” reopens many knotty arguments about Ms. Palin’s public record, mostly the same ones that were hashed over when she became part of the 2008 presidential campaign. It cites the investigation that became known as Troopergate, the questions about her involvement with the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (Mr. McGinniss covered this in a 2009 Portfolio article) and her possible commitment to such extreme theological ideas as dominionism, although here too “The Rogue” is too busy being nasty to be lucid. Mr. McGinniss suggests both that Ms. Palin is committed to stealth religious control of government, and that she is not sufficiently devout.

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