
Friday, September 16, 2011

The Marine and the President

From the Washington Post:
On Sept. 8, 2009, Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer, then a 21-year-old corporal, defied the orders of his superiors while on duty in a remote province in eastern Afghanistan, raced into a “killing zone” and helped rescue 36 U.S. and Afghan troops.

When President Obama recently called to tell Meyer he would be awarded the Medal of Honor, the military’s highest honor, Meyer didn’t take the call. Meyer, now 23, was working a new job in construction and asked the president to call him back another time.

“He told me, ‘If I don’t work, I don’t get paid,’ ” Obama recounted with a chuckle Thursday afternoon at the medal ceremony for Meyer in the gilded East Room of the White House.
When invited to the White House, Meyer said he would like to have a beer with his Commander in Chief. The President was happy to accommodate him. No doubt, he was honored to do so.

The above photo was released by the White House. A few critics complained that it was a photo-op for the president. Big deal. It's a nice picture.


  1. Look, I ain't a hero, and this young man definitely is, but I would have a beer with the Commander in Chief!
    I think the young man is cool under fire and cooler when home!

    It was an honor to watch him receive his medal! Semper Fi, Gunnery Sargent Dakota! You are a man among boys!

  2. You gotta love the Obama chuckle, though, Danny.

    Is there any doubt in your mind that our Commander in Chief is clueless about the concept of not getting paid for not working?

    As a community organizer and professional politician, he specializes in getting paid for not working.

  3. I will admit, Jake, that I laughed a little at this hero's response when called by the POTUS.
    I try to separate the CIC role from the politician in these cases. While I do not agree with the Presidents position on almost everything, I respect his position as the President. In this circumstance, it was the 21 year old Sargent educating the CIC in the humility that seems to always come with heroes, or men with morals and ethics that most politicians could never understand!

  4. Jake, If Obama pushed an old lady out of the way of a runaway car, you'd be accusing him of shoving old ladies around.

  5. Amen, Danny.
    The Medal of Honor is the highest and most cherished award in our society.
    Like you, I was struck by Sergeant Meyer's incredible courage and humility. His selfless actions are an inspiration to us all.

  6. Bob,
    You know if Obama pushed an old lady out of the way of a runaway car, he'd probably call it one job his administration saved.

  7. Jake - You'd be pissed because she would still be around to pick up her social security check.

  8. Bob,
    Obama would only be hanging around union people, so you know she's got a sweet pension.
    Social Security is probably just beer money and her mandatory Democrat contributions.

  9. Stop trying to one up me Jake.The first one didn'y make much sense, and the second one sound's pathetic.

  10. Bob,
    Just trying to see if the liberal sense of entitlement requires them to always get the last word.
