
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Nature vs. Nurture at Sunoco

Sunoco CEO announces the planned closing of the Marcus Hook and Philadelphia refineries. If there are no buyers, some 1,600 jobs will be lost.

It reminds me of the parable of the scorpion and the frog.

A scorpion asks a frog for a lift across a pond because it cannot swim.

"No way," says the frog. "You'll sting me before I get halfway across. It's in your nature."

"That doesn't make any sense," replies the scorpion. "If I sting you, I'll drown too."

Convinced, the frog invites the scorpion to hop on his back. Halfway across the pond the scorpion stings him.

"Why?" asks the frog as he begins to sink. "It's not in your interest."

"It's my nature," replies the scorpion.

Of course, the analogy falls apart badly in the case of Sunoco workers and the CEO. It is in her nature and best interest to sting away.

My print column is up.


  1. Mr President, everybody knows the government has to stop spending so much money. Why would you propose more stimulus spending?

    I can't help it. It's in my nature.

  2. Jake - Here's some reading material.

  3. Read it, Bob. An interesting theory from a talented writer. Why am I not surprised that you find it appealing that Friedman blames President Bush?

    Two reservations about his premise:
    First, he starts off by saying " American politician dares utter the word 'sacrifice'." That's exactly what the Republicans and the Tea Party are saying.
    Second, while Friedman is busy blaming Bush, he is failing to account for these past three years of the Obama administration. Isn't he demonstrating his "lamestream" media bias when he lets Obama off?

    I believe Friedman is a big proponent of the green economy. There is absolutely no evidence that this environmental pipe dream has any basis in economic reality.

    Going full circle, the bottom line remains the same -- The federal government has to be smaller, less intrusive, and spend less.

  4. Jake - Far as I can tell, Friedman isn't making this stuff up. How and why would you go to war on borrowed money? It just doesn't make sense. After 9/11 Bush told us to go shopping. Then he gave tax breaks to the rich! You belong to the party of fiscal responsibility. You explain it to me.

  5. after 09/11 Bush told us to go shopping because the tech bubble burst between 2000 and 2001. Combine it with fears from 09/11 and many of us thought that period was going to be a financial calamity. Bush wanted us to go 'shopping' to awaken the economic cycle. Tax breaks, interest rate cuts, and creative strategies like "Employee Discounts" by the auto manufacturers softened the hit.

  6. If Sunoco closes Marcus Hook Refinefy will Sunoco still pay taxes on the property? Also will Sunoco be responceable for toxic waste clean up.
